User Management

Manage Users

Add a user to Statuscast by selecting Settings> Users.


Settings Users

You will see existing users in the system on the following page. You can manage these users here.

To add new users, click Add User in the upper right. Select from the options and submit. If you have multiple pages, a role can be defined per page.

Statuscast allows several levels of access for users of the system. You can add individual or multiple users from this screen.


User options


Email Addressinput user email address
Full Nameadd first and last name here
is company administratorhas full administrative access to the entire account and all status pages
pages and rolesper page add the appropriate role
No accessCannot access this page's management or administrative settings
ManagerCan add incidents and manage subscribers, cannot access the Settings menu, add user or make changes to settings or templates
AdministratorFull Access. Can add incidents and manage subscribers, canaccess the Settings menu, add users, or make changes to all settings, templates...