Private Pages with Limited Public View

The need to share limited information publicly, while sharing more details privately is a common scenario. Perhaps you want your clients to easily know if specific services are down, but, have additional assets that only affect certain clients, or, your employees. Using a private page with a limited public view is the key to ensuring everyone sees what they need to see on the page, and no one sees what they shouldn't.

Arising from the need to segment audiences, the hybrid private/public page option has become a best use case for many StatusCast clients. Using Groups and/or roles, you can divide your audience to best suit your needs.

StatusCast has helped numerous customers craft custom solutions for audience specific page views. Talk to our Customer Experience Engineers to find out how you can maximize your page's value while minimizing the day to day efforts to keep the right audience informed when it counts.

What’s Next

Using Groups or Roles can allow you to segment your audience. Some people may need to see more than others. You can use groups, or roles if you only have a few distinctions, to achieve the perfect solution.